Some people think of wedding videography as an extra, a bonus to the wedding, an additional if there is money left. However, if it is not obvious yet that video is as important as any other elements of a wedding, it will soon become a standard as much as photography. Just think about it, we have always fond of moving images to capture memories. It started with drawings, then we had photography, and as technology evolved we got videos.
Rather than giving you a top 5 reasons why you need video for your wedding; instead, we wrote a list of 5 questions, not related to weddings, to make you realize why video is important. Ladies, this might also be some good arguments to convince your reluctant soon to be husband that you need video:
1) If your children or nephews/nieces ask you about Michael Jackson’s moonwalk...would you rather describe it or show them a video?
2) When you ask your parents about your very first steps...Don’t you wish they could show you a video instead of showing pictures?
3) When you read articles about lions cuddling with human beings...are you content with just reading about it or would you rather watch it?
4) If Beyonce’s hair got caught in an electric fan in a concert (it happened already) ...would you just listen to your friends’ report or would you also try to watch it on YouTube?
5) If your neighbor was stealing your amazon package from your doorstep...would you rather just tell the police or would you rather show them a video to prove it?
Here are couple extras: when people tell you about J-LO and Shakira’s performance at the superbowl, or when they tell you about Brad Pitt’s tinder’s joke when receiving an award, do you look for a photo or a video?
To show, to discover, to witness, to prove, to remember...These are the purposes of videos in weddings.
Simply think about what we do nowadays when we witness something uncommon: we pull our phone and we film.
Video is a powerful medium but will never replace photography, like photography will never replace videography. But while a photo suggests an idea, a feeling, an emotion with poetry... Video fills the gap of your imagination, and gives you the complete idea, feeling, or emotion.
Some even say that photography catches an instant, while video catches a moment.
As wedding videographers in France who respect each department in the wedding industry, we will not say that one thing is more important than another. Each couples have different priorities for their wedding. Some will put priority on flowers, some will put priority on food, some on alcohol; however, at the end of the day, those will be gone and consumed. The only things left from a wedding are the memories... And the only thing that can turn those “abstract” memories into something concrete are videos and photos.
Preserving memories means a lot, because one day, you will want to witness those moments again. One day, you will want to show them to your children. And unfortunately, one day, you will want to see some moments of the people who passed away. Not long time ago, we were contacted by one of our groom, who wanted to see if we had more footage of his grandfather who recently passed away from a cancer. We were indeed able to find more videos of him; and those little clips became invaluable.
Underestimating the power of video in a wedding is a mistake. So many times, after we showed a same day edit during reception, people came up to us and told us how they regret not having a wedding videographer. Those are the comments that break our heart because we wish we could help; we wish we could contribute to those memories that will be passed to the next generation, but it is just too late.
Please remember this: Video is important! As important as all other wedding elements.
With that being said, please share with us good arguments or good punchlines to convince that video is important J